April 05, 2013


Completely off-topic: I have had to introduce a relatively mild form of moderation on the comments. What goes on in the warped minds of those sad individuals who think I will let them get away with link-ridden and mostly ill-conceived and shoddy mails, is completely beyond my imagination, - and I have no intention of finding out either.
Anyway, the moderation may result in a (hopefully short) delay in the publication of any comment you are still very welcome to make. And it is certainly possible that I will remove this form of censorship (and I am the first to admit it) in the future.

On topic: this post is primarily intended to inform you of a new, small-scale initiative. And I hasten to add that I am personally not at all involved, and do not stand to gain a single peso or eurocent. I am a consumer like yourself* and as such open to anything new.

You may remember that post of the wonderful record by Sali Sidibé, which Michael from Switzerland allowed me to share with you. Subsequently Michael has remained in contact. In September 2011 he mentioned he was going to Mali in December.
A few months later he reported back: "I collected some 130 tapes - in a few years you will not find it anymore..... I discovered Mouye Traoré, a nice Sali Sidibe being very young...., some Koni Coumaré with Bazoumana Sissoko, some old Toumani Koné.... some really hot Fula singers - and ngoni (= hoddu) - players I wasn't aware of before, some really good stuff....
And yes, I could make some recordings - Zoumana Téréta at the sokou (violin) together with 2 ngoni-griots being one of the more interesting ones - but also Daouda Dembele with his wife....
And Moudou Tounkara, one time with the smaller ngoni (irident) and one time with the base version of it... And another ngoni player Assana Gaucko, from Segou.. Some bambara balafoni from Segou.... as I payed the musicians, I've got the rights from them, and the recordings sound quite well....
So it has been more or less a ngoni-related travel, I even could buy a used instrument.....

Two months ago another mail: "I produced the CD of a recording I did with Zoumana Téréta, Hama Sissoko and Moudou Tounkara: "Juru nani fo".
I'm selling these to friends or lovers of african/malian music, therefore in no store; maybe this will come.
The benefit goes 100% to the musicians, which have been payed already for the recording in BKO.
Therefore, if you' re interested in a CD, which is professionally pressed (and not burned), I have to ask you 25 € for it, included shipping, etc.
And, as it's for the benefit of the artists, I don't want it to be shared in the internet.

He has since sent me the CD, which indeed has a very professional look about it (and in this respect beats quite a lot of CD's from commercial sources). The quality of the recordings, made on January 20, 2012 in a private house in the Magnambougou district of Bamako, is excellent. Apparently/audibly a small audience is present during the recording and this results in some feedback (talking, commenting) and in some 'background noises' (like cell-phones ringing, cutlery falling on the floor, doors closing). The music regularly breaks off and there are small interruptions for discussions between the musicians. Personally I love these kind of 'one-take' recordings (well actually I have a general preference for one-take recordings..). But I can imagine it is not for everyone.

Star of the show is - without a doubt - Zoumana Tereta, whom you may remember from an earlier post. You may remember I described Zou as a "survivor from another era". In this "Juru nani fo" he seems very much in his natural habitat, in the living room playing for a family. At the same time it is clear that he has evolved tremendously as an artist since my recordings in 1999.

So would I recommend this CD? Certainly. But it is not for everyone.

You can obtain the CD by sending an email to Michael: kabako[at]proimago.net.

As Michael has explicitly asked not to share any of the music I would instead like to share with you a cassette (from the 1980s) by an artist who will probably never be famous outside of Mali, but he was world-famous in Mali in the 1980s and 1990s. Not only did he do quite a few cassettes on local and regional historic heroes, he also talked about topical events, like a strike by lorry drivers.
And please note the "talked about", for Daouda Dembele does not sing, he is a rapper avant la lettre, a talking djeli. But I hastily add that both descriptions don't do justice to Daouda Dembele's rare talent. For he is, like Zoumana Tereta, a voice from the past, an echo from history. A 'raconteur' as there used to be many, in the time before television, and even before radio. A master of his art, who many Malians will remember from the time when they were sitting with their friends or family, sipping hot tea and listening attentively to his stories.

Please let me know if you want more.

Super Sound SS 15

*although I don't rule out the possibility that you are involved with the production side of music...


  1. Thanks Stefan for your support of Juru nani fo!

    And yes, very nice this Daouda Dembele.

    Do you know the year of the recording? Daouda Dembele was young, and it looks like his wife Awa was'nt singing with him, then. With the help of the covers, I guess your tape is older than his "El Hadji Oumar Tall, Vol 2", which dates from september 1989.

    I find it incredible, how his music remained that similar, apart from the slight changes in his voice. I saw him, a year ago, close to Mopti.

    Michael (Kabako)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. For me it is always a pleasure to hear the words of Daouda, a master of words can transmit much more than what the words say for themselves, ngoni playing style is also exquisite.

    I see that this tape come from Liberia, Dauda Dembelé fame is extensive, an Ivory Coast friend was looking the album "chofeur" of truck, I thoughtin in one called Djeli Daouda Dembélé et Awa Dembele - Sans Frontier, don't knew this one.

    I'll like to hear an album called Yiriba, few short videos of Yiriba made ​​by an American university can be viewed on the web.


    Changing the number from 3 to 10 in the link, we can appreciate the beauty of Yiriba.

  4. ... Digressing a bit (since I can't activate the comment box on http://worldservicenl.podomatic.com), I wish to thank you for uploading "Ngoma Unleashed". The file contains some wonderful music. Hats off for your most impressive knowledge of Congolese music.

  5. @Anonymous (Michael): I bought the Daouda Dembele cassette in 1988, and it was one of the older ones then. So my estimate it is from the mid-1980s or older.

    @Ngoni: I know the "chofeur" cassette, but don't have it myself.
    "Yiriba" I did not know; so thanks for the links! And I'll keep my eyes open for the album/cassette.

    @Timothy: I trust the problem with the comment box is a local one.

    I am glad you like the selection. I hope to post the full EP's in future posts.

  6. @ Ngoni:
    actually there is a tape "Ghana chauffeur" with Daouda and Awa on the cover; I have that, maybe Stefan, too...

    and there's "Sans Frontier," which seems to be a late (2008) digital reedition of older "songs", with both of them; you can google for it.

    @ all: Daouda told me that he was born in San, his father and grandfather being djali at San, both with the Ngoni as well. Daouda startet with the 4 strings in 1977, and never "sang", but alwith told/tell the story (contes), that he had learnt with his father. He inherited the actual Ngoni from his grand- and father.

    Awa sings some kind of a "chorus"-part" and is from the "Jagasso"-family, (if I'm correct, I never hear that name again); and her grandfather but not her father were djeli.

    They both have a very wide repertoire; on request, they were instantly able to perform for hours classics like "Da Monzon", which I was allowed to record. That might become another CD, but I want to try my luck first with "juru nani fo "


