May 27, 2010

Liwa ya Mayaula

Regretfully another musical hero has passed away. Mayaula Mayoni, composer of such immortal hits as "Cherie Bondowe", "Bondoki", "Nabali Misere" and many others, has died in Brussels on May 26, 2010.

He not only gained fame for his talent as a composer, rhythm guitar player and singer, but also as a football (soccer) player, with A.S Vita Club. He was never a member of Franco's Tout Puissant O.K. Jazz, but certainly a longtime associate.
More biographical details on his Facebook page.

To commemorate this great Congolese musician, I would like to post a selection of his greatest hits.

Mayaula in memoriam

Furthermore I am borrowing these videos posted by Aboubacar Siddikh, of two great compositions by the late Mayaula.

May his soul rest in peace.


  1. Since the pass away of Franco, all through i have been searching and listening to all congolese musicians and the only musicans franco had left behind with such iron voices mayaula being one of the few i enjoyed. I feel sad but i belief we are all passer by on earth.May God be with him in his enternal life Amen. Munyole

  2. These youtube clips that keep appearing are so valuable for someone like me that had his head turned in other musical directions until the mid 80s & never made a trip to Zaire. One thing that has confused me when I watch them though is why the audience often look pretty disinterested at this amazingly joyous, dancable music. Were they Mobutu's spoilt rich who were just there to be seen or is it some sort of manners thing. Even if dancing was forbidden I would still not be able to contain a large grin & a tapping foot. Any idea Stefan?

    Thanks as always


  3. I would go for the "some sort of manners" option. And it's not just Congolese audiences either. I have seen audiences in many parts of Africa looking bored out of their skulls, while the music on stage was good wild....

  4. If where I grew up is any indication then the lack of dancing is not from boredom. As grown ups one is not expected to show joy in the same way as a child - and this includes dancing and other excitement especially if in a mixed gender/age group. (My tribe has no musicians (or music) though.
    I'm sure every group has different reasons including religious.

    r.i.p Mayaula. Mitelengano has been a favorite of mine for decades.

  5. Great music from a great composer. There is a hit, Ba Chagrins , that appears to have been released only in Kenya under the ASL label. Was wildly popular in Kenya but is largely unknown outside.


  6. Very Sad to hear about Freddy Mayaula Mayoni death. WE shall miss him; Mayaula joins other TP OK Jazz Musicians he had shared playing Music, Franco, Madilu System, Gerry Dialungana, Djo Mpoy, Lola Checain, Aime Kiwanaka, Dalienst Ya Ntesa, Mongo, Mpudi Decca, Ntoya Pajos, just to mention few.

    GOD bless these musician and Rest them in Peace
