September 23, 2009


I have to admit I am not very good with religion. Over the years I have come to the conclusion I am just not the believing, the submissive or the worshipping kind.

But should I ever - for reasons I can not imagine at this moment - get the urge to repent, it is very likely I will turn to Islam.

For one thing, they have better music than the competition.

And with this post I am presenting some very convincing evidence of this thesis. Yes, you have guessed it: it's another album by that master of Apala music, Haruna Ishola. From a time (mid-1970s) when he had not yet, I assume from the absence of the "Alhadji" adjective, done his duty as a muslim to travel to Mecca.

This is another great lp, and again a monument of African music. My favourite part of this record is the part on side B when after about 9 minutes the chorus seems to get disengaged from the lead vocal. It may seem like an imperfection, but it's just the kind of imperfection that makes this music perfect......



  1. gracias------------
    Le odontoooSensationnel Duo.rar
    File Size: 86.27 MB

  2. As we observe a very sad anniversary, perhaps this is a good time to celebrate a happier one, for it seems to me that the first Anniversary of the WorldService blog is right about now. I have thought about all of the posts which I have especially appreciated - Orch Fauvette, Maquis du Zaire, the Franco Loningisa singles, Leon Bukasa, Mwale & Shimbiro, and all of the Podcasts; they are very much appreciated and listened to all of the time. But perhaps I am most thankful for WS acquainting me with this artist, Haruna Ishola.

    Best wishes in the coming year, and thank you for all of your time and efforts!


  3. WrldServ,

    This post really reveals your 360% exposure to music. I bet you've got something by Oum Khalsoum, the undisputed Queen of Egyptian (if not all Arab) music. If so, please share. I don't understand Arabic but I can respond to her type of music because it is very similar to Ta'arab, that blend of African and Arab music from the East Coast of Africa.

  4. about a year ago you intoduce me to this great musician. a pleasant and almost healing experience. thank you.
