December 24, 2008

Alhaji and the....?

After the previous two posts (here and here) I don't think I have to introduce this great artist to you anymore.

This lp is one which was released by Haruna Ishola's son four years after his death. The music is -as always- brilliant.

But what's this with the blonde? Who is this woman*? And why the languid look into the lens?
This cover is one of the greatest enigmas in African music!

GBLP 003

* I am almost tempted to write "what's with the German hooker?" But I won't.


  1. Fucking hell. Can I write that in a family blog? Thank you for the best New Year's present. I LOVE HARUNA and can't get very much of it - and this one sounds especially great.

    Also, never heard Amadou Ballake before and its wonderful. And the Syli's aren't too shabby, and and and - basically you're keeping the bar pretty much at the top when it comes to African music sources for those of us living outside of the 'sunny continent' or without hundreds of dollars to invest in those vinyl fetish objects.

    Really appreciate being turned on, and at a rate that we''ll all need some years to deal with. Be nice if other collectors were 5% as generous with knowledge and MUSIC.

  2. PRIMO!!! i am super into apala & rilly happy you posted it... especially these LOOOOOONG tracks.... really great.... hoping to find some yusuf olatunji sometime, too.... love that old, slow stuff....
