October 29, 2008

22 Band de Kankan

At the end of the 1990s this band still existed, and that's no mean feat. They started as the "22 Novembre Band" in the 1970s, and as such they were the Orchestre Federal (Federal Orchestra) of the prefecture de Kankan. I am sure the name refers to the attack led by Portugese soldiers on November 22, 1970. In Guinea, even today, it is simply known as "l'agression".

The 22 Band was exceptional as a federal orchestra in that they managed to get three albums released on the Syliphone label. Strangely these albums have not been re-released as such, only some tracks have appeared on collections. If you like, I will post the lp's later.

But for now here is a cassette from what sounds like a live recording of the 22 Band. The cassette states that it's from 1988*. The recording has a superb atmosphere; it's not hard to imagine yourself attending the soirée....

* the photos were taken by Rob Lokin in Kankan in 1999.


  1. Very very hot stuff! Thanks :)

  2. thanks so much for the quality and quantity of your posts! as to your generous offer of putting up the 22band albums on syliphone, i must say the one i'd be really excited about SLP 51 Dans le vent [1976], which is the only one of the 3 that i never listened to...
    thanks again.

  3. Okay, I will post SLP 51 later.

  4. Thank you, I am enjoying this concert all week, it is a pity that the cassette tape drowns several times,sometimes even stop completely as in Kanda.

  5. @Ngoni: I agree, it's a real pity. I find though that after a while you get used to these defects...(but I would have preferred it without).

  6. Thanks!!! Please, post the 22band albums! So very good music. and thanks also for superb Horya post. your blog is a gold mine.

  7. This is a very nice album. Thanks very much. I don't mind the faults, either. I don't have much before 1990, when I started collecting this music. So I'd like to hear the other 22 Band albums (I have "Venez voir".)

    Was this K7 issued by the band or by one of the Guinean companies?"


  8. @Anonymous (Al): I think this must be a bootleg. I have no idea about the source of these recordings. I know a lot of bands sold recordings from their concerts.

  9. Thanks for a great cassette but if anyone could post just that one song MADOMANI (from 'Venez Voir!!')I would be the happiest man around. In my humble opinion one of the best tracks EVER!

  10. I discovered this late but i have been obsessed ever since!! If you have more, please post!

    Thanks :)
